ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月3日 04時29分

When you arrive at the #Venice train station, “a strange sensation occurs of being in the Las Vegas version of Venice rather than in the real thing,” writes our reporter Jason Horowitz. “Maybe it’s all the luggage, the shopping bags, the lack of Italians.” Venice, the sinking city that was once a great maritime and mercantile power, is at risk of being conquered by day-trippers. Snippets of Venetian dialect can still be heard between the gondoliers rowing selfie-snapping couples. But today the lingua franca is a foreign mash-up of English, Chinese and whatever other tongue the mega cruise ships and low-cost flights have delivered. Dario Franceschini, Italy’s culture minister, calls it an “Eat and Flee” brand of tourism: You “arrive on a big ship, get off, you have 2 or 3 hours, follow someone holding a flag to Piazzale Roma, Ponte di Rialto and San Marco and turn around.” But the beauty of Italian towns, he said, “is not only the architecture, it’s also the actual activity of the place, the stores, the workshops.” Visit the link in our profile to read more, and swipe left to see more photos by @andrew_testa.


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