キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月9日 07時41分

Take a life experience and make it a love experience. Instead of focusing on all the things you don't have, focus on loving the things you do have. Instead of harping on about all that's wrong, bring your mind into focus on the solutions. When it's raining it can be hard to remember the sun, but it will eventually come out again.
And remember, we are all broken. Especially the ones that think they're not. They're the most broken they just don't know it yet. Unless you have Divine love in your heart you simply cannot be whole. You can't fix yourself, but you can learn to love yourself. You can't fight darkness head on, but you can love it and turn your attention to the light. And yes, there is light within every situation. Negative thoughts are like internet trolls if you engage with them it's a hook and will drag you down. No matter how hard it seems you have to be strong enough to focus on the love. Being loving is the key. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. See the good in yourself. Love your world. Forgive your world. See solutions, orient towards hope and raise your vibration.

All is blessed.
Love. Just love.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime -
Photo by @ifilmyoga
Next workshop: Washington DC. Register on www.woodleyparkyoga.com ?


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