ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月7日 23時20分

Since early 2015, photographers have shot tens of thousands of images and logged hundreds of thousands of miles while on #nytassignment on the presidential campaign trail. The @ニューヨーク・タイムズ staff photographer @nytmills has been covering @ヒラリー・クリントン for more than 2 decades. But this year, he watched with interest as the candidate spent up to an hour taking selfies with her supporters. “Handshakes are out and selfie photos are in,” he told the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ #lensblog earlier this year. @nytmills took this photograph of #HillaryClinton stepping off her plane into a dramatic #sunset in Columbus, Ohio, on October 10, the day after the second presidential debate. The following day, @ドナルド・トランプ’s campaign released a new ad attacking @ヒラリー・クリントン as “Dangerous” on foreign policy grounds. Tomorrow, Americans will vote for the next president of the United States. As the candidates make their final rounds, we're sharing memorable photos from the campaign trail. Follow along: #campaignlookback


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