ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月6日 01時26分

“The beachside Mosque of the Divinity is about a mile into my run,” says @ニューヨーク・タイムズ West Africa bureau chief @dionnesearcey, who took this photo in Dakar, Senegal. “Dakar has a huge exercise culture, and people are always on the stairs finding new ways to challenge themselves. I once saw a guy hopping up the steps backward, on one foot. I just run up and down and am on my way.” @dionnesearcey is one of the hundreds of runners from all over the world who responded to our request for photos that show us the view from readers’ long runs. Tomorrow, 50,000 runners will attempt to complete the @nycmarathon. Most of the people who shared what #myrunlookslike won't be competing tomorrow — at least not in New York. But thousands will be training for road races, logging miles to conquer goals both big and small. Today, we’re sharing some of their views. See more here: #myrunlookslike #? #?


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