ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月7日 08時02分

Since early 2015, photographers on #nytassignment have been logging thousands of miles on the presidential campaign trail and filing thousands of images along the way. This was @samuelhodgson’s first time covering a presidential race. Over the course of the campaign, he traveled from his home in Brooklyn to 83 cities in 20 different states. He returned to many of those places more than once. And he spent quite a bit of time with @バーニー・サンダース, who he said was treated as such a rockstar by these crowds. “There was something about this woman gazing up at him, and you could see in her face how much she adored him and adored this moment,” @samuelhodgson said. “The moment he would walk in there, everyone would lose their minds like it was the Rolling Stones coming onstage.” @samuelhodgson, who took this photo at a campaign rally at @uflorida on March 10, also noticed that you can see “a little glimpse of Bernie” in the glasses. As November 8 approaches, we're sharing memorable campaign photos that we’ve yet to publish here. Follow along. #campaignlookback


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