ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月13日 01時51分

“There are many ways to sniff, and the human method is not the best,” Dr. Alexandra Horowitz says. Dr. Horowitz, a professor of cognitive science, runs the Dog Cognition Lab at @barnardcollege, and she’s the author of “Being a Dog: Following the #Dog into a World of Smell.” In her book, she explains that while our schnozzes get the job done, the dog’s snout is superb. And it turns out dogs aren’t only ones using their noses to sniff out the world. Familiar canine behaviors — licking, sneezing, tail-wagging — have associations with smell, too. Want to enhance your inferior sniffing abilities? Dr. Horowitz’s advice for humans is simple: “Take a cue from the dog,” she says. “Put your nose in things and take dedicated sniffs. Name the smells.” @katieorlinsky took this photo of Finn, Dr. Horowitz’s affable 9-year-old mixed breed pup on a recent afternoon at @riversideparknyc in Manhattan. #?


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