キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月31日 22時46分

Yoga is contentment. Learn to be happy as you are and then everything in your practice will amplify your ease and flow. But start off with misery and search for happiness in a pose and then even if you get it, your misery will only get worse. The whole journey of yoga could be defined as simply as this: be a good person. You don't magically become a good person when your leg is behind your head. You have to be a good person first, then all the poses are just extras, like toppings on an awesome scoop of ice cream. But just like ice cream, if the actual ice cream is bad no amount of toppings can make it good. Be sweet, like ice cream, be love, then your whole practice and your whole life will be filled with joy.
#ibelieveinlove ?


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