Faithful actions bear the fruits of peace and happiness. Fearful actions bear the fruits of pain and suffering. Faith comes from a belief in your wholeness, a recognition of your worthiness and a heart full of love. Fear comes from a feeling of lack, the notion that you aren't whole or good or worthy. The root of all action is in either faith or fear. Faith is built on the positive result of goodness in action. Fear is a looming terror of negative consequences often imagined in our mind. Make the choice to believe and choose faith. Choose faith in moments when fear seems bigger than you. Choose faith in difficult, hopeless times. Choose faith. One of the first steps is realizing that you have a choice and being strong enough to make it. This week's #YogiAssignment is Faith. Called Sraddha in Sanskrit, yogic faith is born from action and experience. Sraddha is the kind of tenacious faith that waits out the long journey without being shaken, the kind of faith that says, I am willing to believe in my dream against all odds, I am brave enough to find love again no matter how many times my heart has been broken. ? . Tips to live a faithful life ? . 1. Faithful words--Plant the seed of faith in your speech and choose your words carefully. If you hear yourself engaging in doubt or self-directed negativity, check yourself and turn your words around to affirm a gentle belief in yourself. ? . 2. Faithful action--Is there something you have been dreaming of doing but haven't done so because it requires a leap of faith? Take one small step down the road of your dreams today. ? . 3. Empirical faith--collect a stack of big and small examples of moments where you have succeeded in similar circumstances and let this bolster your faith with evidence. ? . #ibelieveinlove ? . Photo by @malinwittig

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月24日 05時46分

Faithful actions bear the fruits of peace and happiness. Fearful actions bear the fruits of pain and suffering. Faith comes from a belief in your wholeness, a recognition of your worthiness and a heart full of love. Fear comes from a feeling of lack, the notion that you aren't whole or good or worthy. The root of all action is in either faith or fear. Faith is built on the positive result of goodness in action. Fear is a looming terror of negative consequences often imagined in our mind. Make the choice to believe and choose faith. Choose faith in moments when fear seems bigger than you. Choose faith in difficult, hopeless times. Choose faith. One of the first steps is realizing that you have a choice and being strong enough to make it. This week's #YogiAssignment is Faith. Called Sraddha in Sanskrit, yogic faith is born from action and experience. Sraddha is the kind of tenacious faith that waits out the long journey without being shaken, the kind of faith that says, I am willing to believe in my dream against all odds, I am brave enough to find love again no matter how many times my heart has been broken. ?
Tips to live a faithful life ?
1. Faithful words--Plant the seed of faith in your speech and choose your words carefully. If you hear yourself engaging in doubt or self-directed negativity, check yourself and turn your words around to affirm a gentle belief in yourself. ?

2. Faithful action--Is there something you have been dreaming of doing but haven't done so because it requires a leap of faith? Take one small step down the road of your dreams today. ?

3. Empirical faith--collect a stack of big and small examples of moments where you have succeeded in similar circumstances and let this bolster your faith with evidence. ?
#ibelieveinlove ?
Photo by @malinwittig


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