キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月12日 23時15分

Every breath is a choice, to see love or to see hate, to hold on to resentment or to let go and heal, to zone out or to tune in, to live a lie or live in truth. The choice is yours, in every breath, in every moment. And in the power of choice lies your freedom. No matter how deep the darkness may seem, no matter how hurtful the negativity may be, you always have the power to choose who you are in this moment, in this breath. There will come a time when you are finally strong enough, finally brave enough, finally fierce enough, to choose love. You are so much powerful than you know. You matter. You are worth it. Fight the good fight. The epic battle of the soul that is the choice between heaven and hell, is right here, right now, in the quiet space between inhalation and exhalation. Change your world and be reborn, swim in the ocean of spirit and shine with the true light of the world, love.
#ibelieveinlove ?
Photo by @beachyogagirl


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