キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月5日 08時31分

What does freedom mean to you? Freedom, called Kaivalya in Sanskrit, is more than just an abstract concept. It represents the deepest pursuit of meaning on the yoga path. There is one freedom that only you can give yourself, that is, freedom of the mind to consciously choose how you respond to the ever-changing field of life experience. In the space between stimulus and response lies the narrow, difficult path of freedom. The mind, thoughts and emotions can be a bigger restriction than a set of external rules. The world around you can seem to press its preference on you, telling you how to dress, who to love, what to say, what you can and cannot do to your body, what is right and what is wrong. And there you stand, caught in a tangled web of other people's expectations, shoved into a corner by a rule book to a game you never even agreed to play. But you always have a choice about how you let the tumultuous waves of life impact your own mind. Amidst a sea of struggle the greatest testimony of strength is to choose to remain unvanquished. To look at the prison of judgement, the chains of hate and the captor of your own inner darkness and simply say, you will not conquer me, I am free. ?
#happyfourth ? .

Photo is a snapchat selfie at the beach. No edit, just me being me. ✌️


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