キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月4日 07時59分

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Just thank you. For all love in my life, for all the small blessings like vegan cupcakes, soy chai, and mangos. Just thank you. Thank you for good friends, close family and big love, for beautiful students who just "get" it about the spiritual journey. Thank you, just thank you. Thank you for sunshine, blue skies, clear ocean waters. Thank you for the gift of a body and mind, for so much healing, for big and small miracles, for fresh starts and do-overs, for forgiveness and humility, for strength and for grace, for the tender and ephemeral beauty of each moment, for all the gifts of the spirit, too many to list here. But most of all thank you for hope, the kind of stubborn hope that dares to believe against all odds, the kind of hope that is faith so tenacious it simply has to be made real, for hope that is the promise of love, the only promise that is never broken. Thank you, just thank you. That's all. ?
#ibelieveinlove ?


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