キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月20日 02時25分

These are your orchids, full of color, beauty and vibrancy, grown on the fabric of love... They bloom because you loved them, because they saw your shadow and knew you would be there for them when they opened, just like me. I'm that little flower Dad and I bloom because of your love. It's by grace that you are here to celebrate another Father's Day. And I remember how patient you were with me when as a child you taught me how to write poetry. You never did it for me. You waited for me to find my words, my own metaphors and and ultimately my own dreams. You were such a good teacher, not just to me, but also to all the students who passed through your English classes, because you gave us just enough room to grow, put down roots, find our way and bloom. And when I told an old friend recently all that you've been through, heart attacks, triple by-pass, diabetes, two strokes, cancer treatment, countless tests, physical therapy and more, my friend said, what a strong constitution he has. And it's true. Your quiet strength has always been there with me for my whole life. You are quiet, reticent, steady, loving and brave. Dad, I love you so much, more than all the stars in the universe. I'm proud of you. And you will always be my hero. Happy Father's Day ?


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