キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 6月20日 22時49分

#SummerYogaCourse Day 3. Week 3. Beginners, remember that you don't need to get it from the first try. You just need to feel comfortable in your trying. Sort of like you need to fail at it with just enough of a glimmer of hope that you will one day succeed to bring you back to your mat to try again the next day. Or, think about it like this: it doesn't matter how many times you fall, fail or slide out of a pose. What matters is the grace you walk away from your mat with. Beginner means beginner level challenge, which is not necessarily easy from the start. ?
I've spent the morning reading your comments on my channel. Last week's practice was pure fire for the core. This week's practice is pure power for the arms and shoulders. I wasn't naturally strong when I started, so I know what it means to build up strength slowly over many years of practice. Keep the faith, believe in yourself and never give up. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Watch, practice, like and comment here and on YouTube (link in bio) to participate in the challenge this month and get a chance to win some awesome prizes! ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?
And... Did you see the Everglades trip on snapchat yesterday? It's still up. Go see and you'll see Sharath snapping selfies ?


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