コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月29日 00時48分

Gopal and Nakul work at a Kathmandu wholesale steel yard. They unload red iron beams from colorful Indian lorries and load small orders onto pickups, tractors and bicycles.
These two men work long hours in the dust and heat. Dressed in tee shirts, shorts and plastic sandals they are the forklifts of the yard. We purchased steel to be trucked to Taksindu and then carried to the job site in Phortse. These two guys are way buff.

It has been a great learning experience building in Nepal. Finding creative solutions to intricate designs is quite fun.

#kccbuilding @khumbuclimbingcenter #respect @tenzing99 @buildcreative


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