コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月28日 10時01分

Phu Doma Sherpa lives with her parents Lakpha & Nawang and her grandfather Karma at the Namaste Lodge in Phortse.
Phu Doma is the librarian at the Magic Yeti Library. Four hours a day she reads to the village kids and helps trouble shoot local computers. Her sister Ang Phuti is a nurse. Once the @khumbuclimbingcenter building is finished the two sisters will have both health care and a place for curious minds under one roof.

In this loving snapshot by @jenniloweanker, Phu Doma was hiking to Pangboche to visit her maternal grandmother.
Special shout out to the Chicago Mountaineering Club for the generous donation.
#magicyetilibrary #smile #friendship


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