コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月26日 11時32分

Brandon Lampley @buildcreative is a restoration builder based out of his van in Colorado. He has volunteered his time to work on the @khumbuclimbingcenter building. Joined by @tenzing99 he is turning the Montana State plans into reality. The building will house the office for the KCC, the gear repository, three training walls, a @walltopia bouldering cave, the Magic Yeti library and a medical facility for the village of Phortse. ??⚙?⛏⛓ Brandon is part of the team from @deansoderberg to @timnharrington and others to work on the structure. The mason crew has another 10 months of work. Thanks Brandon! (-_-) #kccbuilding @outdoorgearlab @thealcf


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