コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 4月25日 11時55分

As a kid I was fascinated by geography. Maps, charts and places held my interest. Part of this included flags.
Every country had rectangle flags while Nepal was unique with two stacked triangles. As a mnemonic I would place them sideways and this would represent mountains. I loved mountains and knew that Nepal was home to the Himalaya.
On the outset of my first expedition I was focused on my self. I would race up a peak and be some minor grade b hero. By the time I made it to base camp I realized this experience wasn't about me, rather it was the people that lived in the Himalaya. The people that welcomed us as guests to share the incredible beauty of their country were the sparkling peaks.

A year ago this morning an earthquake shook Nepal. Earthquakes are part of Nepali life - time is measured between major disturbances. Had the quake struck at night, it could have been much worse. A year later life goes on and the country is moving forward.
With remembrance for those who lost loved ones in the quake and respect for the resourceful Nepali people. ? Sunset in Chitwan.


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