リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 12月11日 23時30分

When I was introduced to Midori the green iguana, I could not really see him as he blended in so well with his surroundings. Fortunately, he was friendly and allowed me to take a few pics. :) Midori is one of the ‘residents’ I met while visiting the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) Wildlife Rescue Centre at Jalan Lekar today.

The rescued animals at the Centre are victims of the illegal exotic pet trade. I was surprised to learn that ACRES receives up to 5,000 calls a year for wildlife-related incidents! You would think that in urban Singapore, such encounters would be rare. Yet, we continue to come across wild animals, like the barn owl that (twice) flew into the Istana.

Besides handling rescue cases, the ACRES staff and volunteers also do good work educating Singaporeans about the illegal wildlife trade and animal abuse. Their passion and excitement for wildlife was infectious. I hope that ACRES CEO Louis Ng and his team continue to pour their time and energies to this worthwhile cause. (Photo by me)


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