リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 1月30日 12時03分

Helped launch a weather balloon during my visit to the Centre for Climate Research Singapore yesterday. The balloon collects data for local and global weather records twice a day.

Climate change is a serious threat, with far-reaching implications on our society and the world. We are constantly exploring ways to protect Singapore from the effects of climate change. At the heart of these efforts is CCRS.

Established in 2013 under the Meteorological Service Singapore, CCRS’s research has helped us better understand our climate system and develop long-term climate projections for Singapore.

Climate modelling for our tropical region is critical. It informs our efforts to strengthen infrastructure, to adapt to warmer temperatures and higher sea levels. CCRS is also working on a model to improve predictions of heavy rain in Singapore. This will be useful for our airports, public transport, and the public too.

We are doing our part in global efforts to tackle climate change and protect ourselves from its impact. But it will take more than the government to make a difference. Everyone can play a part – whether by bringing your own bag or not wasting water and electricity. – LHL (PMO Video by Alvin Chong)


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