Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 7月30日 23時51分

This adorable acrobat is a black flying fox. With a wingspan of nearly 40 inches it is Australia’s largest bat and one of the world’s largest! This species and other bats act as important pollinators and seed dispensers, however they are in serious decline around Australia. This species is not listed as threatened by the IUCN Red List though the population does face challenges-- roost sites and feedings areas have been reduced greatly by urban development and clearing of forests. This species is also looked at by farmers as an orchard pest-- it estimated that the Australian commercial fruit industry loses approximately $20 million a year to flying foxes and, as a consequence, they are shot in many areas or cut up in nets that orchard owners drape over their fruit trees. This species was photographed at the @Ausbatclinic which specializes in providing medical care to all species of injured and orphaned bats, from flying foxes to tiny microbats . #pollinatormonday


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