Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 7月26日 22時13分

This beauty is an interior least tern, the smallest tern in North America. They are graceful, agile flyers and are often observed hovering over bodies of water, then diving to grab small small fish at the surface. This species is named for their breeding area, which is located across the interior U.S. especially along the Mississippi, Missouri and Rio Grande rivers. In the heart of their range, many of Nebraska’s major waterways no longer have scouring flows each spring needed to create the vegetation-free sandbars that the birds need to nest. Historically, the least tern's nesting strategy was brilliant; laying sand-colored eggs in shallow bowls directly on the beach so predators can't see them. The good news is many nesting pairs now use sand and gravel mines, which are kept vegetation-free due to human activity. Some mines actually rope off bird nesting areas until fledging has been completed, greatly helping this federally-endangered bird to survive.


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