Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 5月7日 23時25分

Kicking off the return of #pollinatormonday is the Carpenter bee. Adult Carpenter bees take nectar from many flowers, but are the most helpful pollinator of the purple passionflower. They get their common name from their habit of building their nests in dry, standing wood. It is not likely that one will sting you; the male can't sting at all and the female will only do so when immensely provoked.
With the return of Pollinator Monday comes positive news for the bee population, in late April, the European Union made a move to completely ban three pesticides that harm bees and their crop pollination, which builds on a limited ban in effect since 2013. The EU made the decision after scientific review identified neonicotinoid pesticides as one of the factors causing decline in the bee population. May this season of #pollinatormonday enact continued change. Let's see what we can continue to #Savetogether.
Head over to @ナショナルジオグラフィック to see another image of this bee.


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