Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 5月4日 23時30分

A Pyrenean desman is the 8,000th species to board the National Geographic Photo Ark. The desman, a rare insectivore, leads a largely aquatic life, using its webbed feet for swimming and a trunk-like nose for sensing prey and snorkeling. This one lives in a stream in Portugal’s Douro region, where scientists from the CIBIO Research Center at the University of Porto are working to better understand this species and its habitat. These pictures were taken during an expedition supported by Regional Funds from CCDR-N on the grounds of the Symington Estates.
The desman is small and nocturnal, making the species difficult to study. But research on this little creature is especially important now, because the population of this species has fallen by about 60% over the past 20 years. Conservation efforts like the ecological study that discovered this particular desman will be critical in ensuring the survival of this weird and wonderful species.

Go to @ナショナルジオグラフィック to see a video of how the Pyrenean desman eats!


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