リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 12月5日 20時07分

In May, Singapore was attacked by the WannaCry ransomware. The malware locked users’ files and devices unless a fee was paid. We were luckier than other countries – our hospitals and critical services were spared.

We cannot let such cyber attacks disrupt our lives. That is why we set up the CSA (Cyber Security Agency). They have a tough job. A highly digital nation offers hackers many targets – even ‘smart’ IoT (Internet of Things) devices are vulnerable. It is an endless cat-and-mouse game. As we upgrade our defenses, hackers dream up new attacks. In Chinese 道高一尺,魔高一丈.

I learnt about WannaCry and other threats in an eye-opening visit to the CSA today. Anyone can be a victim, and it is as easy as not installing an OS patch, or opening an email attachment which seems to come from a friend.

My thanks to Chief Executive David Koh and his enthusiastic officers for showing me around today, and keeping Singapore safe! – LHL (MCI Photo by Kenji Soon)


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