TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 10月14日 05時23分

You’ll never look at a bug the same way again after seeing these images. When photographer Levon Biss’s young son found a beetle in their garden, he brought it to his dad’s office and put it under a microscope. Ever since then, Levon has been taking magnified portraits of insects. It took some adjusting to get used to shooting in such microscopic detail — each photo takes three-and-a-half weeks to create, and they’re made up of anywhere between 8-and 10,000 separate shots. But the result is absolutely stunning. “I'm a visual person, I'm a creative person, but I still needed the eyes of a child to find my extraordinary subject,” Levon says. To see more of his work, visit go.ted.com/beautifulbugs and follow @levonbiss

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