TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 9月19日 02時40分

What if we could live in the clouds? Sounds like a hazy daydream, but artist Tomás Saraceno invites us to imagine a world filled with floating cities in the sky. This picture here is a creative rendering, but Tomás’s projects feature air-fill sculptures and installations that rise when the sun heats them. He presented at the Paris Climate Conference and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, and his art constantly challenges us to think about how we interact with our atmosphere. “We've learned that the bigger the sculptures are, the more weight they can lift,” he says in his #TEDTalk (originally delivered in Spanish). “Using this approach, we can learn to build gardens in the air. Could we live in an ecosystem floating among the clouds?” To watch his full talk, visit go.ted.com/floatingcity


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