Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 8月9日 07時51分

The thought of stepping outside my comfort zone, and all the pain that may latch onto this foreign space would cripple me.
But like a splash of cold water that stung and slapped my face,
It would sure as hell wake me up.
It would be absurd to put ourselves in a state of discomfort for nonsensical reasons. Why cause pain with no cause? Why distance ourselves from familiarity when it is safe and luring?
In order to make sense of it all, the only response to those questions had to surpass the contentment of comfort; they had to offer more than mere existence.
And simply put, the will to live had to gravitate beyond the will to survive. That is why we jump into the cold.
And if you can come to peace with this hope of living, the bitter sensations of the water become trifling. And for whatever surprises that lure in the depths of these unknowns, you will surely know one thing: you will unravel in something far greater than your familiarity. Your exposure to life will be of different taste – one that will surpass your expectations while bringing forth lessons, triumph, and most of all, growth.? #FightForGrowth #PerspectiveGainz


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