ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月6日 06時01分

Caked in dust on shelves at the Surrogate’s Courthouse in Manhattan are leather-bound volumes and stacks of parchment that, in a way, sketch out the story of New York City. Some of these early records swear allegiance to King George III, and the names of historic figures like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr pop up in documents from their time working as lawyers in the city. Occasionally, researchers (both academic and amateur) visit the vast collection, but it's mostly staff members who tend to the documents, many of which predate the Declaration of Independence. Soon, though, in an effort to preserve the records and make them more easily accessible, thousands of boxes of documents will be relocated. Some records will be transported to the New York State Archives in Albany. Many others are expected to head to the city’s Department of Records. @hiroko.masuike photographed these New York Supreme Court records while on #nytassignment in Manhattan.


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