ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月5日 02時52分

Why dance naked? For the contemporary choreographers Molly Lieber, left, and Eleanor Smith, who’ve been collaborators since 2006, it’s a way to come to terms with being exposed to physical trauma and, simultaneously, to reveal the sculptural intricacies of the body. “If you bend your spine way forward you look really sad or like a rock, and if you bend it the other way you look like a sexy woman,” Molly told the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ writer @giadk. In their new work “Basketball,” the 2 dancers explore the lines between femininity and masculinity, or sporty and sexy. They inch, for the first time, toward a theatrical narrative. At moments, they wear fantastical costumes by @clairefleurynyc, but nudity remains a powerful tool. “Sometimes it’s really embarrassing and there’s a lot of shame,” Eleanor said. “Sometimes it’s a shared experience with Molly. Sometimes it’s just a body, just a spine. Sometimes it’s this wholly feminine form. There’s a lot of power.” @malinfezehai took this photograph for #SpeakingInDance.


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