ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月8日 08時34分

Since early 2015, photographers have shot tens of thousands of images and logged hundreds of thousands of miles while on #nytassignment on the presidential campaign trail. On October 5, 2015, the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ staff photographer @crowleygraph took this photo as @ドナルド・トランプ bowed his head in prayer during a meeting with pastors and ministers at the International Church of Las Vegas. @crowleygraph has been shooting campaign events since 1979. “I strive to move beyond the restrictions and the spin to present the substance of the issues and consequences of contemporary American politics,” he told the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ #lensblog earlier this year. As we count down to #ElectionDay, we’re sharing memorable campaign photos by @ニューヨーク・タイムズ photographers. Visit the link in our profile to see more. #campaignlookback


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