キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月19日 00時24分

#YogiAssignment Santosha. Contentment. All is good. Even when it seems bad, it's still good. If you haven't seen the light then keep searching because it's there. Or as they say, if it's not ok, it's not over. Don't give up. There is a solution to every problem. Everything is happening at just the right time. You can't control it all. Sometimes letting go and turning it over is the hardest step. It's all good. Make your peace with even the darkest places inside yourself and you make your peace with even the darkest experiences around you. Be peace. Be a light of love. Be a yogi. ?
Santosha Tips:
1. Focus on the solution not the problem. Thinking about all that's wrong will only make the issue bigger than it is.
2. Breathe. Ten deep breaths helps you tune into the present moment. Life is simple, problems are complicated. No matter how bad it gets there is always the simplicity of the breath.
3. Turn it over. Ask yourself if you're trying to control all the details and then realize wonderfully that you can't. You can't control other people or the outcomes. You can only show up, do your best, give your all and let it go. ⚡️
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Photo by @ifilmyoga

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