コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 6月15日 07時15分

14 June 2007 :: @leo_houlding and me taking a minute to catch our breath after free climbing the Second Step on the North Ridge of Everest.
We were creating a documentary titled "The Wildest Dream". Leo's role was to channel his inner Sandy Irvine and mine was to add a bit of present day context to George Mallory. In a few scenes we climbed in period clothing, cold as it was.
On this day Phurba Tashi Sherpa and team pulled the ladder from the Second Step for some high altitude trad climbing. I lead the pitch, sans ladder, using a #4 cam stacked on a block of wood. In 1999 I had tried to send the pitch, yet stepped on one rung. Like grabbing a draw on a sport climb it was't a free ascent. At 8610 meters it's fun climbing. Could Mallory and Irvine have free soloed this on the 8th of June 1924?
Thanks @leo_houlding for a fine expedition.
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