Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 3月2日 12時35分

It's true, y'all.. you're looking at the proud new owner of JEANS??❤️ That's right. I've fooled you with jeggings for far too long?. These pair jeans from @barbellapparel put all my attempts to shame!
The hardest part of buying jeans for my body type is finding a pair that fits in all the right places. I have a fairly small waist relative to my quads and glutes, so anytime I wore jeans I'd either constrict the blood in my legs or I'd be wearing mom jeans for leg-liberation ?

But lo and behold, @barbellapparel saved the day??
These jeans fit SO WELL. They're made with a flexible material that resemble athletic bottoms (I can actually squat in these!) All of this, without compromise in style? (Check out to see their collection, they have a wide range of denim, tops, and accessories?) #BarbellApparel
#MyLeggingsAreFinallyTakingAVacation #ReunitingWithDenim


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