サザビーズのインスタグラム(sothebys) - 4月3日 18時48分

The first dedicated frames sale to be held at Sotheby’s in over a decade, this carefully chosen selection comes from the Richard Green Gallery, one of London’s most prestigious art dealers.

Works of art in their own right, frames were often carved by the most celebrated sculptors of the day, their popularity growing to the extent that by the 17th and 18th centuries framemakers were frequently able to charge more for their creations than the artists whose work they adorned. Many of the antique frames to be offered at Sotheby’s – some dating back over three hundred years – are presented with their original gilding and dimensions, a rarity given the alterations that frames typically undergo during their lifetime.

Peter Schade, Head of Framing at the National Gallery, joins us at #SothebysLondon to share more about the age-old tradition of framing and reframing.

Part I of the sale is open for bidding until 5 April, and Part II will be offered in September 2023. View the full catalogue at the link in bio.



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