サザビーズのインスタグラム(sothebys) - 3月29日 22時42分

Introducing The Eternal Pink, the most vivid pink diamond to ever come to market. Weighing a spectacular 10.57 carats, the cushion-cut Internally Flawless Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink Diamond was meticulously fashioned from a 23.78 carat rough stone into an exquisite cushion cut over six months by a team of expert artisans to maximize the diamond’s electric “bubblegum” color to full potential.

“This color is the most beautiful and concentrated shade of pink in diamonds that I have ever seen.” says Quig Bruning, Head of Jewelry. The rarest of the rare, few Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink have been categorized by the GIA throughout their decades of research on pink diamonds—a true testament to The Eternal Pink’s uniqueness.

Carrying the highest price per carat estimate ever placed on any diamond or gemstone, The Eternal Pink is expected to achieve in excess of $35 million and will star in the Magnificent Jewels Auction this June at #SothebysNewYork. #PinkDiamond #Diamonds


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