デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 2月22日 06時58分

Fasting isn’t just about food. It’s about showing your body and mind that you don’t actually “need” most of the things your body craves.

Even porn! 😉

You can fast from anything in your life that you *feel* you need right now when you *know* you don’t actually need it. It's not about giving things up completely, but rather gaining control over the things in your life that seem to control you.

Most importantly, it's not about suffering. It’s about power over yourself. Once you gain control over the things that once controlled you, going without (for brief periods) feels good and gives you more energy than you can imagine.

Fasting from anything you think you need right now gives you huge benefits - we’re talking mental, physical, and spiritual health.

For the next two weeks, go without porn, without masturbation, and maybe even without orgasms. When you do that, you will show up as a more powerful human being.

Check out my newest book Fast This Way (the kindle version is $6.99 today on the link in bio), where you learn to go deep in building emotional resilience and toughness without feeling like crap along the way.

And maybe your carpal tunnel will go away. 🤪

Ps. Tag a friend who needs to see this


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



