トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月31日 18時36分

Rate my pump out of 10 please? 💛 My home gym setup is 100% getting me through this most recent lockdown and something that I’d really like to share with you all is the misconception that working out makes you “healthy”. Well it does to a degree, but good health runs far deeper than just knowing how much you can bench; it’s often the bigger picture that we miss out on and the reason that many goals fail before they begin. Fitness goes hand-in-hand with nutrition and one cannot work without the other - you have to have the macro and micro nutrients and proteins necessary to be able to have the energy to train in the first place without injury, allowing yourself to recover and resultantly gain muscles mass and reduce bodyfat. But this essential combo isn’t anything without addressing your mental health, wellbeing and mindset too! In times of stress, suffering and exhaustion we fret, our bodies cortisol levels increase, our blood pressure becomes elevated, our immune system is lowered and our quality and quantity of sleep is greatly reduced making recovery (let alone growth and results) even more difficult. You can eat like an absolute king and train like a beast but if you’re not finding peace, rest and relaxation at the end of your day you’re going to hit a wall that is impossible to break with any other method than change. When people ask me how best to get into shape and lose weight the advice that I give is to fix your soul first, wipe the slate clean, allow yourself to be yourself and start by removing every negativity and toxic aspect of your life. Whether that’s quitting smoking, cutting down/out meat/dairy/junk food, ending an unhappy relationship or switching a deadens job - in order to begin to change your body you first have to make peace with your soul. When your mind isn’t fretting you can focus, when you’re not up all night stressing you can sleep and regain your strength and gains, and when you are capable of loving yourself enough to feed and fuel well from within your body will reward you with results. Good health is a trilogy of the body mind and soul in peaceful alignment 🙏🏼 #gains #growth #mindset #healthy #girlswithmuscles


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