Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 1月19日 02時59分

Friday was Harlow’s last day of virtual school before they return in-person on Tuesday. She had “current events” slated as last period, but the teacher announced that they were going to use that time for everyone to get their things together to go back to the classroom. I was sitting right outside her room and could hear the teacher listing all of the stuff they needed to put in their backpacks. Then he asked if anyone had any questions. I guess Harlow raised her hand. The teacher called on her. “I have a question. Why aren’t we using this time to talk about Martin Luther King?” If you remember, Harlow’s old school put a lot of emphasis on the teachings of MLK Jr. and Harlow took that learning seriously (as she does most things) and had me read to her every children’s biography on him she could find. Her old school also has a school wide MLK assembly every year and she knew that’s what Mazzy was doing that day. Still, I was surprised to hear her be so bold to ask that in class! I think my face looked like 😮 as I waited for the teacher’s response. He told her that was a great question and that they would be discussing him in class on Tuesday. I had to smile. I don’t think I would’ve ever held my teacher accountable like that in 3rd grade! I also thought about the head of Harlow’s old school who passed away last year; the woman who instituted policies to make Black history such a big part of the curriculum long before my kids attended. I bet she used to hear similar stories from parents all the time as their kids left the school and used what they learned out in the world. After class was over, I told Harlow that I was proud of her for asking the question. “You just did something that Martin Luther King Jr wanted white allies to do— NOT BE SILENT!” Tonight, we are going to reread some of her MLK books (her request), so that she will be prepped for their class discussion tomorrow. I hope her teacher is ready!


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