ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 12月30日 19時30分

I wanted to run you through exactly what is involved in each week of the #SweatChallenge if you're doing my BBG Challenge program. This will help you to get prepared and plan your weeks ahead of the challenge!

Whether you are doing the "Starting Out" or "Challenge Me" option, here is everything you need to know to plan your schedule:

👉 I recommend you do 3-4 resistance workouts per week.
👉 You will have 7 resistance workouts to choose from each week (including 2 express workouts and a bonus challenge workout).
👉 There are 2 cardio (LISS) sessions for you to complete each week, these could be a walk, bike ride or swim.
👉 There are 2 recovery sessions for you to choose from each week.
👉 You should have at least one rest day per week where you don't complete a workout at all.

Each week, you can go to the planner section on @Sweat and you will see a weekly schedule that I have designed for you, which tells you how to set your week out and when you should do your workouts. You have the option to follow my recommended schedule, but you can definitely rearrange your planner to suit you and your lifestyle. I have lots of workouts for you to choose from, so you can add extra workouts into your schedule if you want to do more, or you can swap the workouts around.

This challenge is all about making your workout schedule work for YOU. I've given you as many options as possible because I know we all have different lifestyles, schedules, and preferences when it comes to working out.

#BBGcommunity, do you have any questions about how to plan your weeks for the challenge? Ask me here and I will answer your questions.👇


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