トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 9月22日 15時05分

My darlings I’d really like for you to hear these beautiful words today, please listen. We live in a world where we are born so pure and free. Perfectly imperfect individuals all destined to walk our own path and experience our own journey through life. For as many beautiful times and memories that we make we are also faced with challenges and obstacles in our path - negative experiences with people often take away our self worth and self belief and can leave us a shell of ourselves feeling like we’re not good enough. Please know that no matter how badly people have treated you, no matter how much they’ve hurt you, used you, lied to you or told you that you’re ugly, for every unkind word and tear you’ve cried there are 1000x more loving, kind and positive actions about to come your way from somebody who truly loves you for who you are. Don’t settle for somebody or something that doesn’t deserve your time, just to avoid begin alone, recognise how precious you are and hold out for what is meant to be and I promise it will be beautiful 🙏🏼 I hope that you can all find peace and happiness in accepting yourself first because those who deserve your time will gravitate towards your light rather than lock you in their darkness #selfworth #healthymind #loveyourself #mentalhealth #beyourself


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