Gerd Ludwigのインスタグラム(gerdludwig) - 8月27日 22時52分

The destroyed control room of Reactor No. 4 sits idle at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant since the world’s worst nuclear disaster to date on April 26, 1986. This image, and others by additional photographers exhibiting at the Festival, underwent the process of sonification—converting still images to sound—by artist and composer Oliver Peter Graber (, and were shown during an evening presentation at Festival La Gacilly-Baden in Austria last week.

Oliver Peter Graber is an Austrian composer, pianist, dramaturg and researcher. He also worked at several universities and was the head dramatic advisor of the Vienna State Ballet.

When converting an image to sound, as a starting point, Graber assigns audio frequencies and amplitudes to every single pixel of a digital image. His artistic work begins after the conversion and mimics visual perception: when viewing an image, eyes follow a “path” of interest and catch the most outstanding elements. Graber works as an “audio sculptor,” uncovering and selecting eye-catching elements of the picture as well as “ear catchers” of the corresponding, converted sounds. He then rearranges and edits them in order to create short acoustic statements that add poetic musical atmosphere to each image.

@fotofestivalbaden #sonification #festivallagacillybaden #OliverPeterGraber #Austria #Chernobyl


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