Accidental Iconのインスタグラム(iconaccidental) - 8月22日 22時41分

Back to work. I had my first post-COVID NYC quarantine photo shoot this week and I must confess it feels good to be creating again.

My life feels like it is coming out of the shadows and into the light. I’m working and we are on the hunt for a new house.

This moving forward reminds me of trying to drive a stick shift, going a little bit, then jerking back an inch and ultimately stalling the car. It’s not a smooth drive and I guess like learning to use a clutch it will take practice and time to live in this new now.

Although I’m out on the road again I hold the possibility in my head that at some future point this fall I may need to pull back into the garage and stay home awhile as we are from the other side of this.

But for now the sun in the light feels good on my face and gives my pallor a little color. I’ll take the moment for what it is, fitfully moving ahead nonetheless. I must admit it’s fun getting dressed again.

What’s your moment in the light right now?
#oldasfuk #inbetween #transitiontime #gettingdressed


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