トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 3月22日 01時53分

We never know what you’ve got until it’s gone my darlings! I can’t say that I would ever have expected a pandemic in this day and age - when you hear of past wars, famine and plagues in history books it all seems a million miles away from the privileged times that we live in now. Yet with privilege comes complacency, disrespect and a sense of entitlement, wanting rewards without being prepared to work for them. Destroying health, homes and the environment without the means to repair it or put it right. We cannot live in such a selfish way sustainably, everything has to run out and end eventually. It seems that we only truly appreciate the true worth of our health when somebody near us dies, we become sick or our selfish ways impact on our life. People will sooner eat themselves to death through greed whilst others starve from a lack of food - why can’t we balance the scales? When will the world open it’s eyes to the importance of health being the most precious commodity a person can possess? We can all preserve our health at all costs and take a proactive stance against illness and disease, or take everything for granted, destroy the lives we have been blessed with and panic when we’re unable to pick up the pieces or repair the damage that we have caused. Health is wealth my darlings - stay safe and strong 🙏🏼 #healthiswealth #healthy #fit #healthandwellness #mentalhealthawareness


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