トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 3月19日 18時12分

Left or right? 🧡 My darlings there are two kinds of people in the world - those who do and those who don’t, fight or flight, optimists or pessimists, results or excuses... you get the picture! In times of chaos, distress, pain and suffering our true colours show, you just need to bring your spirit out to understand who you really are. Those with their eyes open standing strong are the fighters, providers and go-getters, those with their eyes closed need the comfort of security, familiarity and denial of change. It is OK to be either, at times you may even be both! But I promise you eventually you will become a survivor and nothing will stop you. It is ok to ask for help, to feel scared, to not know what to do and to worry. I used to live my life with my eyes closed petrified of everything, until one day my only choice was to stand up and fight back and I’ll be forever grateful for finding myself. I have my eyes open to help those with their eyes closed. I hope in sharing my journey of life after escaping abuse, overcoming poor health, becoming a natural bodybuilding professional and raising my children alone whilst working and studying that I can show you ANYTHING is possible. Freedom and recovery WILL follow! We just have to take every day as it comes in whatever way you need to manage it - I am here for you all, please stay safe and always put your health and well-being first, every day that passes is one less until this pandemic is over 🙏🏼 #survivor #Coronavirus #quarantine #fighter #staystrong


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




