トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 3月18日 20時29分

Where are you all from my darlings? With the world on its knees it’s a time for us all to make a change - starting with the person in the mirror. We are NOT immortal, the world is NOT indestructible and future generations should NOT have to pay for our mistakes and selfishness. Take responsibility for your own actions, respect others and the world around you and if you see anything that is WRONG do not take part in it. We are all raised to know the difference between right and wrong, we all have a voice of reason in our hearts which makes us question our bad actions - listen to it! The world is healing from the suffering we have caused whilst people are quarantined! Rivers are running clear and nature is flourishing - learn from this lesson, CHANGE your ways. We may all be “just one person” but together we are mankind; let us put love, not greed, at the forefront of our actions, if not for the benefit of ourselves but for the billions of other lives who deserve a safe and healthy environment to live in. All lives matter, every species, breed and lifespan no matter how small. This pandemic is an opportunity to allow man to change his ways - seize it with both hands, get on your knees and be thankful for it! It’s time that we realised how blessed we all are 🙏🏼 #healthiswealth #mankind #worldpeace #changetheworld #bethechange


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