Symmetry Breakfastのインスタグラム(symmetrybreakfast) - 8月9日 10時45分

Thursday: Jumbo rye crispbreads, with a Swedish/Scandi influence, avocado, tiger prawns, artichoke hearts, kaviar, tomato, dukkah and dill. Underneath it all is just a scant spread of peppery homemade mayo ?? the most delicious blood red plums too, because it’s not a meal without something sweet ???
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Next week we are going to HONG KONG! ?? 香港 I’ve got a book signing at the gorgeous @themurrayhk on Saturday 18th and the EventBrite link is both on my Stories and my bio page under Get Tickets! I’ll be selling my U.K. English and Traditional Chinese book, as well as some of my bespoke tea @rareteacompany COME ALONG! ??? #symmetrybreakfast


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