Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 7月17日 10時17分

Maybe you’re reading this right now because you want to make a healthy lifestyle change. Maybe you want to eat right. Maybe you want to exercise more. (Orrrrr maybe you just stumbled across a ‘chick in a bikini’ 🤷🏻‍♀️).
One of the BIGGEST mistakes I personally made was complicating everything. 🙄 Instead of following the proven principles that fit into my life, I attempted (usually, unsuccessfully) to revolve my life around what someone else convinced me was the “best way.” This always led to diet-hopping, starting a program that was too grueling to sustain, and then of course - shame from giving up, yet again, on another program. Sound familiar?
It’s nobody’s fault, really, much of the information out there complicates the process and contributes greatly to the overwhelming amount of BS 💩 in the health and fitness industry. This is why I stress that whatever you’re doing has to fit into YOUR LIFESTYLE.
Get back to the basics. Eat well (for the most part), pay attention to how certain foods make you feel and stay active. Learn what works for YOU!
DM your e📬 for info on custom programs 💪🏻


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