Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 7月18日 02時10分

It’s so funny how our minds tend to limit our capability. This holds true to life in general and not just our physical capabilities but I remember when I first jumped on a bag to try to do sit ups - I convinced myself that my legs were too little and I was too short to be able to grip the girth of the bag (I know that sounds dirty but I’m not really sure how else to word it ??‍♀️). BUT where there is a will there is a way. By climbing just a little higher I can wrap and lock my legs in place and VA-VA-VOOM ... success!!!
I know it’s cliche’ to say we are all so much more capable of what we allow ourselves to believe but it is 1000% true! Whatever is holding you back today - toss that mentality out the window and climb!
DM your e? for info on my programs ??


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