リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 3月14日 10時35分

A happy 50th anniversary to the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute!

Honoured to deliver the ISEAS 50th Anniversary Lecture yesterday. After my lecture, I held a dialogue with the audience, moderated by Professor Tommy Koh.

ISEAS was one of the first research institutes the Government set up after we became independent. It focussed on studying Southeast Asia, at that time still a troubled and unstable region. Our founding fathers recognised that Singapore’s fate was intertwined with the region’s, and that we needed to deepen our understanding of regional issues.

A year before ISEAS was born, five countries, including Singapore, came together and formed ASEAN. The original objective was political – to create a regional platform for dialogue and cooperation in a turbulent time.

Today’s Southeast Asia is very different from 50 years ago. ASEAN has brought peace and stability to Southeast Asia. Now with China and India growing, the strategic balance is shifting.

As we feel our way forward in a new situation, ISEAS continues to play an important role enriching our collective knowledge of the region, and enhancing mutual understanding among our ASEAN partners. I wish ISEAS every success in its next 50 years! – LHL (MCI Photo by Kenji Soon)


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