Hello my beautiful friends💜✨💜 It feels so good to be back here again! I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I’ve seen the light of social media. I never expected to be gone for this long, but I can tell you how incredibly important it was for me to do so. 💜 I don’t want to bore the world with all the details regarding my time away from social media, but if I can say anything to sum it up, it would be this: Grief is a very complicated thing. But it’s an inevitable part in my journey. Yet for 3 years, I have avoided the process. Grief is a hard reality I don’t fully know how to face. Since I’ve lost my brother, denial has been my comfort. Pushing away reality by the wave of my hand, entertaining illusions that painted over the sorrow. I never came to terms with what has happened. Until 2017. From that point, playing pretend wasn’t working. It couldn’t take away from the very real panic attacks I’d get on an almost daily basis. PTSD lingered with my anxiety, fusing into my day-to-day life, following me around like a virus. The only defence move I knew was to block it out, play pretend, and convince myself that Aladdin never left. But the more I pretended, the more unbearable the truth would hit. No matter my surroundings - whether I’m driving to the gym, taking a shower, or walking my dog – I’d get smacked with the truth. With memories so vivid, and sounds so clear. I couldn’t escape it anymore. Like a stuffed closet bursting open by the force of overflow, playing pretend was no longer a match for grief. I had to walk through it, no matter how scary it was. Which leads me to the moment I shut down my social media channels. It’s been the first opportunity I’ve ever taken to finally look grief in the eye, without any need to conceal the pain I felt. More so, I realized that if I were to set a positive and authentic example for those who follow my journey, I needed to overcome this hurdle. With respect to everything I stand for, I needed to fight for growth. /...(Continued in the comments💜)

fightforgrowthさん(@fightforgrowth)が投稿した動画 -

Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 2月2日 09時33分

Hello my beautiful friends💜✨💜 It feels so good to be back here again!
I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I’ve seen the light of social media. I never expected to be gone for this long, but I can tell you how incredibly important it was for me to do so. 💜

I don’t want to bore the world with all the details regarding my time away from social media, but if I can say anything to sum it up, it would be this:
Grief is a very complicated thing. But it’s an inevitable part in my journey.
Yet for 3 years, I have avoided the process. Grief is a hard reality I don’t fully know how to face.
Since I’ve lost my brother, denial has been my comfort. Pushing away reality by the wave of my hand, entertaining illusions that painted over the sorrow. I never came to terms with what has happened. Until 2017.
From that point, playing pretend wasn’t working. It couldn’t take away from the very real panic attacks I’d get on an almost daily basis. PTSD lingered with my anxiety, fusing into my day-to-day life, following me around like a virus. The only defence move I knew was to block it out, play pretend, and convince myself that Aladdin never left. But the more I pretended, the more unbearable the truth would hit. No matter my surroundings - whether I’m driving to the gym, taking a shower, or walking my dog – I’d get smacked with the truth. With memories so vivid, and sounds so clear. I couldn’t escape it anymore. Like a stuffed closet bursting open by the force of overflow, playing pretend was no longer a match for grief.
I had to walk through it, no matter how scary it was.
Which leads me to the moment I shut down my social media channels. It’s been the first opportunity I’ve ever taken to finally look grief in the eye, without any need to conceal the pain I felt. More so, I realized that if I were to set a positive and authentic example for those who follow my journey, I needed to overcome this hurdle. With respect to everything I stand for, I needed to fight for growth. /...(Continued in the comments💜)


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